Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Personal Mission Statement

I am reposting my mission statement to keep it where others can find it easily. I read it from time to time to make sure that I am living by it. So, here it is...

I will cherish every sunrise, embrace and see each day as not just another day, but one filled with opportunity and excitement.
I will live each day with courage and a belief in myself and others.
I will live by the values of integrity, honesty, respect, freedom of choice and a love of all God's people.
I will treasure my family.
I will live each day with respect for myself and others, facing life's challenges as they come and learning from my mistakes in order to become a stronger person.
I pledge my respect to my employers and I will strive every day to earn their respect.
I will keep my mind and body healthy and strong.
I will enrich my life and the lives of all who cross my path or share my hearth, by caring, by affirming their unique worth in love, by giving what I have to give and by accepting what they have to give me.
I will be known by my family as a caring and loving wife and mother; by my coworkers as a hardworking and honest person; and by my friends as someone they can count on and trust.
I will help others as best I can and I will thank those who help me along the way.
I will behave in a manner so as to become a light, not a roadblock, for others who chose to follow or lead me.
I will show love rather than expect love.
I will continue to grow personally and professionally by stimulating my mind with new learning.
I will strive to be happy.

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