Be true to your dreams and keep them alive.
Never let anyone change your mind about what you can achieve.
Be true to the light that is deep within you.
Hold on to your faith, hope, and joy for life.
Keep good thoughts in your mind and good feelings in your heart.
Be true to yourself in the paths that you choose.
Follow your talents and passions.
Don't take the roads others say you must follow;
Take the ones that will keep your spirits alive with enthusiasm and everlasting joy.
Most of all, never forget that there is no brighter light than the one within you.
Follow that light to your own personal greatness.
-Jacqueline Schiff
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Reach for Your Dreams
What do you dream about? What do you think it takes to reach your dreams? Think about that for a minute. I'll tell you what I think it takes.
I think it takes a strong, dedicated, and determined person to commit to a dream and follow the path to see their dreams come true.
The journey to reaching your dreams is not going to be easy. There are going to be many bumps and stumbling blocks on the road so it is going to take a lot of hard work, determination and that "never give up" attitude. It may be difficult but I know that you have whatever it will take inside of you to reach your dreams. Don't let anything discourage you, you are strong, capable and you deserve it.
You are in the drivers seat. You are in charge of your future. Only you can take your dreams and turn them into reality. So make your dreams some true!
Whatever your dream may be, hold it close to your heart and strive to make it come true. Think of your dream as a treasure and don't let ANYONE take it away from you.
Remember that it will not always be easy, there will be many times when you want to give up, but remember that you are strong. Dig down deep for whatever it is you need to keep going. Learn from the hard times. Your experience in dealing with the hard times will help you to learn more about yourself and you will grow stronger.
Keep looking forward to the day when you achieve your dream. Have faith in yourself, hold on and be strong.
Always believe in yourself, I believe in you. I know that you are capable and worthy of reaching your dreams. You deserve to have whatever is in your heart.
Dreams are worth reaching for. What are your dreams?
I think it takes a strong, dedicated, and determined person to commit to a dream and follow the path to see their dreams come true.
The journey to reaching your dreams is not going to be easy. There are going to be many bumps and stumbling blocks on the road so it is going to take a lot of hard work, determination and that "never give up" attitude. It may be difficult but I know that you have whatever it will take inside of you to reach your dreams. Don't let anything discourage you, you are strong, capable and you deserve it.
You are in the drivers seat. You are in charge of your future. Only you can take your dreams and turn them into reality. So make your dreams some true!
Whatever your dream may be, hold it close to your heart and strive to make it come true. Think of your dream as a treasure and don't let ANYONE take it away from you.
Remember that it will not always be easy, there will be many times when you want to give up, but remember that you are strong. Dig down deep for whatever it is you need to keep going. Learn from the hard times. Your experience in dealing with the hard times will help you to learn more about yourself and you will grow stronger.
Keep looking forward to the day when you achieve your dream. Have faith in yourself, hold on and be strong.
Always believe in yourself, I believe in you. I know that you are capable and worthy of reaching your dreams. You deserve to have whatever is in your heart.
Dreams are worth reaching for. What are your dreams?
Words To Live By
It's not how much you accomplish in life
that really counts,
but how much you give to others.
It's not how high you build your dreams
that makes a difference,
but how high your faith can climb.
It's not how many goals you reach,
but how many lives you touch.
It's not who you know that matters,
but who you are inside.
Believe in the impossible,
hold tight to the incredible,
and live each day to its fullest potential.
You can make a difference in your world.
-Rebecca Barlow Jordan
Friday, April 29, 2011
The Secret
I was introduced to a film called The Secret by my mother a few weeks after I bought the book called The Power by Rhonda Byrne. I am currently reading The Power now.
I wanted to share with you what I have learned from watching the film The Secret. In The Secret, they talk about the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction helped me to realize that what I think about, I bring about. When I have negative thoughts about myself or certain situations in my life, I attract things that are negative to me.
When I was over 300 lbs, I was always thinking about myself and some circumstances in my life in a negative way. These circumstances were not getting any better, even over time. But it is because I was thinking of them in a negative way. I thought, "I am going to be overweight for the rest of my life" and of course, I continued to act in ways that left me overweight. Until I started thinking that I can be fit again and be a "normal" size.
In the film The Secret, they tell you to think of yourself as a magnet and that whatever you are thinking, you attract to you. They tell you to make it clear in your mind what you want and to hold on to those thoughts and you will attract to you the things you think about most.
When people concentrate on what they don't want (the negative things) they keep showing up, over and over again and when people concentrate on the positive things, they see more positive things come into their life.
This is so true for me. When I began nursing and was happy with who I was as a person I began to tell myself that I deserve to be happy with my body. I joined the gym, and saw myself at my goal weight and this is what I concentrated on and thought about. I thought about feeling good about the way that I look. I still do it now. I am 25 lbs away from my goal weight, but I feel inside as though I am already there. I feel and think so positively about myself, until I look in the mirror, then I get a small dose of reality. I realize that I am not at my goal weight, but then I quickly change my thinking. I tell myself that with a little hard work, I WILL be at my goal weight and I will look on the outside as I feel on the inside and I begin to see myself at my goal weight again.
Here is a quote from the film:
"An affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought. Choose your thoughts carefully. You are the masterpiece of your own life."
The film talks about how our feelings let us know what we are thinking. When we are feeling happy, we draw more happiness to us. So when you are feeling down, do something to help you change your feelings. Do something that makes you happy.
The film says:
"Once you begin to understand and truly master your thoughts & feelings, that's when you see how you create your own reality. That's where your freedom is. That's where all your power is. That's when you see how you can become a deliberate creator of your life and when you are a deliberate creator of your life and you can use this law of attraction, you will have a life that is beyond what you can possible imagine."
The last few lines in the film are so great that they deserve to be quoted also. I can't say it any better myself.
"Feel good. You've come to this juncture in your life merely because something in you kept saying you deserve to be happy. You are born to add something, to add value to this world. To simply be the best you can be.
Every single thing you've been through, every single moment that you've come through were all to prepare you for this moment right now.
Now you get that you are the creator of your destiny. Imagine what you can do from this day forward with what you now know. What will you do with this moment? How will you seize the moment? No one else can dance your dance. Now one else can sing your song. No one else can write your story. Who you are, and what you do begins right now.
Believe that you're great, that there is something magnificent about you. Regardless of what has happened to you in your life. Regardless of how young or how old you think you might be. The moment you begin to think properly that something is within you, that the power that is within you is greater than the world, it will begin to emerge. It will take over your life. It will feed you, it will clothe you, it will guide you, protect you, direct you, sustain your very existence if you let it."
I highly recommend that you watch the film. I think that everyone can take something different away from this film. Then go buy the book called The Power. The first line in it is "You are meant to have an amazing life!"
I wanted to share with you what I have learned from watching the film The Secret. In The Secret, they talk about the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction helped me to realize that what I think about, I bring about. When I have negative thoughts about myself or certain situations in my life, I attract things that are negative to me.
When I was over 300 lbs, I was always thinking about myself and some circumstances in my life in a negative way. These circumstances were not getting any better, even over time. But it is because I was thinking of them in a negative way. I thought, "I am going to be overweight for the rest of my life" and of course, I continued to act in ways that left me overweight. Until I started thinking that I can be fit again and be a "normal" size.
In the film The Secret, they tell you to think of yourself as a magnet and that whatever you are thinking, you attract to you. They tell you to make it clear in your mind what you want and to hold on to those thoughts and you will attract to you the things you think about most.
When people concentrate on what they don't want (the negative things) they keep showing up, over and over again and when people concentrate on the positive things, they see more positive things come into their life.
This is so true for me. When I began nursing and was happy with who I was as a person I began to tell myself that I deserve to be happy with my body. I joined the gym, and saw myself at my goal weight and this is what I concentrated on and thought about. I thought about feeling good about the way that I look. I still do it now. I am 25 lbs away from my goal weight, but I feel inside as though I am already there. I feel and think so positively about myself, until I look in the mirror, then I get a small dose of reality. I realize that I am not at my goal weight, but then I quickly change my thinking. I tell myself that with a little hard work, I WILL be at my goal weight and I will look on the outside as I feel on the inside and I begin to see myself at my goal weight again.
Here is a quote from the film:
"An affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought. Choose your thoughts carefully. You are the masterpiece of your own life."
The film talks about how our feelings let us know what we are thinking. When we are feeling happy, we draw more happiness to us. So when you are feeling down, do something to help you change your feelings. Do something that makes you happy.
The film says:
"Once you begin to understand and truly master your thoughts & feelings, that's when you see how you create your own reality. That's where your freedom is. That's where all your power is. That's when you see how you can become a deliberate creator of your life and when you are a deliberate creator of your life and you can use this law of attraction, you will have a life that is beyond what you can possible imagine."
The last few lines in the film are so great that they deserve to be quoted also. I can't say it any better myself.
"Feel good. You've come to this juncture in your life merely because something in you kept saying you deserve to be happy. You are born to add something, to add value to this world. To simply be the best you can be.
Every single thing you've been through, every single moment that you've come through were all to prepare you for this moment right now.
Now you get that you are the creator of your destiny. Imagine what you can do from this day forward with what you now know. What will you do with this moment? How will you seize the moment? No one else can dance your dance. Now one else can sing your song. No one else can write your story. Who you are, and what you do begins right now.
Believe that you're great, that there is something magnificent about you. Regardless of what has happened to you in your life. Regardless of how young or how old you think you might be. The moment you begin to think properly that something is within you, that the power that is within you is greater than the world, it will begin to emerge. It will take over your life. It will feed you, it will clothe you, it will guide you, protect you, direct you, sustain your very existence if you let it."
I highly recommend that you watch the film. I think that everyone can take something different away from this film. Then go buy the book called The Power. The first line in it is "You are meant to have an amazing life!"
Today's Workout
I was extremely ambitious today with my workout. I have everyone on Facebook intrigued with what I did today for exercise and the only way for them to find out is for them to read this post.
Here is what I did today...
I started off with going to Goodlife fitness and I did 40 minutes of cardio. I walked 20 minutes on the treadmill at an incline of 6 to 10 (I increased it as I went) at a speed of 4.0. Then I went on the EFX Elliptical for 20 minutes at an incline of 10 and resistance of 8, my steps per minute were between 168 and 180.
Then it was time to put my bathing suit on and go for a swim. I did my 30 lengths of the pool which equals 750 meters. I did one length of front crawl and one length of breast stroke. I was concentrating on my breathing and technique again like yesterday so I did not go very fast. I kept a steady pace and finished in about 30 minutes.
Then it was time to put my helmet on and get on my bike. Joey and I biked 20.6k in 54 minutes. We did not push ourselves but we did it at a good pace. We were soaked at the end of it.
After the bike ride it was time for the run. I was planning on doing 5k, running 1 km and walking 1 km so as not to hurt my knee. But as soon as I began running, I knew that my knee had had enough for the day. So, instead of running/walking, I walked 8 kms...and that was the end of my exercising for the day.
I am really tired now and feel like I have a sunburn...but I think it is actually a windburn. Man was it windy out there today!
I am going to sleep really well tonight.
Here is what I did today...
I started off with going to Goodlife fitness and I did 40 minutes of cardio. I walked 20 minutes on the treadmill at an incline of 6 to 10 (I increased it as I went) at a speed of 4.0. Then I went on the EFX Elliptical for 20 minutes at an incline of 10 and resistance of 8, my steps per minute were between 168 and 180.
Then it was time to put my bathing suit on and go for a swim. I did my 30 lengths of the pool which equals 750 meters. I did one length of front crawl and one length of breast stroke. I was concentrating on my breathing and technique again like yesterday so I did not go very fast. I kept a steady pace and finished in about 30 minutes.
Then it was time to put my helmet on and get on my bike. Joey and I biked 20.6k in 54 minutes. We did not push ourselves but we did it at a good pace. We were soaked at the end of it.
After the bike ride it was time for the run. I was planning on doing 5k, running 1 km and walking 1 km so as not to hurt my knee. But as soon as I began running, I knew that my knee had had enough for the day. So, instead of running/walking, I walked 8 kms...and that was the end of my exercising for the day.
I am really tired now and feel like I have a sunburn...but I think it is actually a windburn. Man was it windy out there today!
I am going to sleep really well tonight.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Guess what I just did....come on, guess.
I went for a 16 km bike ride. Well, I estimate it was 16 kms, I will measure it in my car tomorrow.
It seemed that everything was against me going for this bike ride. The minute I stepped outside and touched my bike, the heavens opened up and it poured. But that didn't stop me. The mud on the 11 kms of dirt road didn't stop me and the the head wind coming back didn't stop me.
If you know where I live than you know how hard of a bike ride it is up my road. It is pretty much ALL uphill. The wind was blowing so hard, it almost stopped me in my tracks a few times coming up the big hills. But I didn't give up. I only stopped twice. Once to take my jacket off and leave it at my mother's mailbox and once to stop and pick my jacket up.
When I got home I was covered in mud from head to toe. The shower felt really nice.
This was my first bike ride on my (well, my sister-in-law's) bike. I really tested it out. I am going to need to add some straps to the pedals so I can do the push-pull as I do in spin class.
The conditions for biking were not ideal but next time I go out, it will seem easier because I won't have the wind to deal with...or at least I hope I won't have the wind to deal with.
Anyway, it was a good day. I got lots of cardio in and it felt good.
My plan for tomorrow...go swimming for 30 lengths of the pool, biking for 1 hour and a 30 minute run. Should be interesting. Stay tuned to hear how it goes.
I went for a 16 km bike ride. Well, I estimate it was 16 kms, I will measure it in my car tomorrow.
It seemed that everything was against me going for this bike ride. The minute I stepped outside and touched my bike, the heavens opened up and it poured. But that didn't stop me. The mud on the 11 kms of dirt road didn't stop me and the the head wind coming back didn't stop me.
If you know where I live than you know how hard of a bike ride it is up my road. It is pretty much ALL uphill. The wind was blowing so hard, it almost stopped me in my tracks a few times coming up the big hills. But I didn't give up. I only stopped twice. Once to take my jacket off and leave it at my mother's mailbox and once to stop and pick my jacket up.
When I got home I was covered in mud from head to toe. The shower felt really nice.
This was my first bike ride on my (well, my sister-in-law's) bike. I really tested it out. I am going to need to add some straps to the pedals so I can do the push-pull as I do in spin class.
The conditions for biking were not ideal but next time I go out, it will seem easier because I won't have the wind to deal with...or at least I hope I won't have the wind to deal with.
Anyway, it was a good day. I got lots of cardio in and it felt good.
My plan for tomorrow...go swimming for 30 lengths of the pool, biking for 1 hour and a 30 minute run. Should be interesting. Stay tuned to hear how it goes.
Just to let you know, I welcome any comments...good and bad.
Some people find it difficult to comment so the easiest way to comment is to comment can add your name to the bottom of the comment if you like. Your comment will not appear right away. I have to publish them first.
Just to let you know...I get excited when I see there is a comment! So comment lots!
Some people find it difficult to comment so the easiest way to comment is to comment can add your name to the bottom of the comment if you like. Your comment will not appear right away. I have to publish them first.
Just to let you know...I get excited when I see there is a comment! So comment lots!
All Life is A Journey
All life is a journey; which paths we take, what we look back on,
and what we look forward to is up to us.
We determine our destination, what kind of road we will take to get there,
and how happy we are when we get there.
What a beautiful day it turned out to be! I may have to go for a long bike ride this evening.
So far today, I did a 1/2 hour of cardio. 10 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes on the bike and I also went swimming. I am really trying to get back into swimming to prepare for the swimming portion of the triathalon. I went to the OC today and my plan was to swim 30 lengths of the pool and I really wanted to concentrate on my breathing and my technique so I was not worried about speed. I find it hard to do the front crawl the whole way so I did one length of the front crawl and one length of the breast stroke. I am going to build myself up to doing all 30 lengths of front crawl. Hopefully I will be ready come July. I did the 30 lengths without stopping, well other than stopping to adjust my goggles, so I was happy with that. It took me about 30 minutes. I didn't find it hard although I was tired when I was done.
After swimming, I had time to kill before picking Brandon up after football practice so I went for a tan. It was so nice and relaxing. I really enjoyed it. I can't wait to tan and relax at the beach this summer.
So far today, I did a 1/2 hour of cardio. 10 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes on the bike and I also went swimming. I am really trying to get back into swimming to prepare for the swimming portion of the triathalon. I went to the OC today and my plan was to swim 30 lengths of the pool and I really wanted to concentrate on my breathing and my technique so I was not worried about speed. I find it hard to do the front crawl the whole way so I did one length of the front crawl and one length of the breast stroke. I am going to build myself up to doing all 30 lengths of front crawl. Hopefully I will be ready come July. I did the 30 lengths without stopping, well other than stopping to adjust my goggles, so I was happy with that. It took me about 30 minutes. I didn't find it hard although I was tired when I was done.
After swimming, I had time to kill before picking Brandon up after football practice so I went for a tan. It was so nice and relaxing. I really enjoyed it. I can't wait to tan and relax at the beach this summer.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
New Photos
Here are some new photos that I took of myself today.

I was weighed and measured at the gym last week and here are the results...
I weigh 210 lbs and I have let go of a total of 75 inches. Here are my measurements:
Body Fat - 31.1%
Shoulders - 44"
Right - 13.25"
Left - 13.75"
Chest - 40.75"
Waist - 36"
Hips - 43.75"
Right - 25.25"
Left - 25.25"
For comparison, here are my numbers when I started:
Body Fat - 48.1%
Shoulders - 55"
Right - 17"
Left - 17"
Chest - 53"
Waist - 57"
Hip - 58"
Right - 30"
Left - 30"
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Dawn's Mission Statement
I will cherish every sunrise, embrace and see each day as not just another day, but one filled with opportunity and excitement.
I will live each day with courage and a belief in myself and others.
I will live my the values of integrity, honesty, respect, freedom of choice and a love of all God's people.
I will treasure my family.
I will live each day with respect for myself and others, facing life's challenges as they come and learning from my mistakes in order to become a stronger person.
I pledge my respect to my employers and I will strive every day to earn their respect.
I will keep my body and mind, healthy and strong.
I will enrich my life and the lives of all who cross my path or share my hearth, by caring, by affirming their unique worth in love, by giving what I have to give and accepting what t hey have to give me.
I will be known by my family as a caring and loving wife and mother: by my coworkers as a hardworking and honest person; and by my friends as someone they can count on and trust.
I will help others as best I can and I will thank those who help me along the way.
I will behave in a manner so as to become a light. not a roadblock, for others who chose to follow or lead me.
I will show love rather than expect love.
I will continue to grow personally and professionally by stimulating my mind with new learning.
I will strive to be happy.
The Biggest Loser
Did you watch The Biggest Loser tonight? I did, and I cried.
I cried listening to Irene and Jillian talking about Irene and how up to that point she had let go of 98 lbs, but she had not let go of the old feelings that she had about herself. She still felt worthless and incapable and did not feel proud of herself and her accomplishments.
I identified with her on so many levels. I was at that point in my life before and those feelings of unworthiness came back to me. It has been a long time since I was really reminded that I used to feel that way about myself. To hear that she was having those feelings about herself really broke my heart. I truely believe that everyone deserves to feel worthy of living a happy life, love themselves, and to be proud of themselves.
Then to see her realize that she is proud of herself put me over the edge. I was balling like a baby! She is such a beautiful girl and I am so happy that she has let go of those old feelings. She has really taken some big steps and I know that she is going to succeed at reaching her goal. I can't wait to see how happy and proud she is of herself at the finale.
I cried listening to Irene and Jillian talking about Irene and how up to that point she had let go of 98 lbs, but she had not let go of the old feelings that she had about herself. She still felt worthless and incapable and did not feel proud of herself and her accomplishments.
I identified with her on so many levels. I was at that point in my life before and those feelings of unworthiness came back to me. It has been a long time since I was really reminded that I used to feel that way about myself. To hear that she was having those feelings about herself really broke my heart. I truely believe that everyone deserves to feel worthy of living a happy life, love themselves, and to be proud of themselves.
Then to see her realize that she is proud of herself put me over the edge. I was balling like a baby! She is such a beautiful girl and I am so happy that she has let go of those old feelings. She has really taken some big steps and I know that she is going to succeed at reaching her goal. I can't wait to see how happy and proud she is of herself at the finale.
Monday, April 25, 2011
OK, I know it has been awhile and I appoligize. I have been working out really hard at the gym...almost too hard. I am taking a break from the weights for a week and I am going to concentrate on cardio. My trainer is gone to Florida so it is a perfect time for a little break.
My plan is to swim 1 hour every day of my 5 days off and do an hour of cardio. I really want to get to running to prepare for my triathlon so I am thinking of doing some running/walking. I may run for 1 km and walk for 1 km. I don't want to hurt my knee so I think this is a perfect way to do it. I also got my hands on a bicycle so I am going to get out biking. I plan on doing a few long bike rides that are 15 or 20 kms.
After I take my week off from weight training. I will be training really hard at the gym. My trainer, Todd, wants me to do 1 hour of cardio early in the morning, before I have had breakfast (so don't get in my way, I am likely going to be cranky), and then I am to go home and eat and later in the day he wants me to go back to the gym to complete my weights and do 30 more minutes of cardio. So that is a total of 1 & 1/2 hours of cardio! He says this is what I need to do to get the last 25 lbs off so I am going to give it a try. I am not going to like traveling back and forth to town but I am willing to try it to get the last 25 lbs off. I keep telling myself, "it is only for 25 lbs and then I will just need to maintain". I really hope this works. I am going to give it my best.
I am working on writing my success story for Goodlife Fitness. I can't wait to finish it and submit it. I am hoping that it will inspire some more people to get moving and get healthier.
Oh, something new is that I ran in a 5k run a few weeks ago. I was a little worried about how it would go as I had not run since January and then it was only a few minutes on the treadmill. I ran it in 32:08 so I had improved on my last time of 34:45. My goal for the next run is to run it in under 30 minutes. That is quite a jump so I really need to practice my technique and get out there running so I can reach my goal.
My plan is to swim 1 hour every day of my 5 days off and do an hour of cardio. I really want to get to running to prepare for my triathlon so I am thinking of doing some running/walking. I may run for 1 km and walk for 1 km. I don't want to hurt my knee so I think this is a perfect way to do it. I also got my hands on a bicycle so I am going to get out biking. I plan on doing a few long bike rides that are 15 or 20 kms.
After I take my week off from weight training. I will be training really hard at the gym. My trainer, Todd, wants me to do 1 hour of cardio early in the morning, before I have had breakfast (so don't get in my way, I am likely going to be cranky), and then I am to go home and eat and later in the day he wants me to go back to the gym to complete my weights and do 30 more minutes of cardio. So that is a total of 1 & 1/2 hours of cardio! He says this is what I need to do to get the last 25 lbs off so I am going to give it a try. I am not going to like traveling back and forth to town but I am willing to try it to get the last 25 lbs off. I keep telling myself, "it is only for 25 lbs and then I will just need to maintain". I really hope this works. I am going to give it my best.
I am working on writing my success story for Goodlife Fitness. I can't wait to finish it and submit it. I am hoping that it will inspire some more people to get moving and get healthier.
Oh, something new is that I ran in a 5k run a few weeks ago. I was a little worried about how it would go as I had not run since January and then it was only a few minutes on the treadmill. I ran it in 32:08 so I had improved on my last time of 34:45. My goal for the next run is to run it in under 30 minutes. That is quite a jump so I really need to practice my technique and get out there running so I can reach my goal.
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